How to deal with online hate as a creator without feeling like you want to quit.

Jun 03, 2023

"YOU SUCK!! Why don't you quit?"

Unfortunately dealing with online hate as a creator is one of the hazards you need to know about. It can be damaging to your mindset and your health if you're not careful. BUT - I would like to give you some tips to help.

Realize anyone leaving intentionally mean comments on your work are hurting. Something in their life is not well and they're looking for anyone and anything to take it out on - and it just happens to be you.

Whatever is happening in their life is painful. So painful they think if they transfer it to someone else it might lessen what they feel. It doesn't.

I don't say this to defend what they're doing but to give you perspective that it has nothing to do with you. Pity should be your response...even if you don't respond to it just think "Awe man...whatever you're going through must suck. I hope you find peace."

Fighting back against their negativity will just hurt you more. Believing what they say is true will hurt you as well. Instead here are 5 proactive steps you can take to protect yourself.

  1. Filter your comments - Most social media platforms have a way of filtering abusive and hateful comments. Check in your settings and turn on the appropriate filters.
  2. Block abusive people - Some people will follow you with the intention of abusing you. You don't need to take it - block them immediately.
  3. Zoom out on the timeline of your life to realize in the limited span of time we're here- their comments aren't going to mean anything.
  4. Laugh at the negative comments - it was written specifically to get under your skin. But what if you gave the opposite response of hysterical laughter? Think of the celebrities who read their own hate comments on's hilarious. When you choose to have a positive reaction instead of a negative one - you win every time.
  5. Pay no attention to it - One of the best ways to deal with hate is to ignore it. Don't give an online hater the attention they crave. You don't have time for that. You've got bigger things to do.

You have an amazing life in front of you...but only if you take action on it. When you allow online haters to get under your skin, you give them control of your destiny.

I talk more about online hate in this video and you can check it out here.

Keep making content. Keep making a difference.

-Max Action